Activated human CD4 T cells express transporters for both cysteine and cystine

Trine Bøegh Levring, Ann Kathrine Hansen, Bodil Lisbeth Nielsen, Martin Kongsbak, Marina Rode von Essen, Anders Woetmann, Niels Odum, Charlotte Menné Bonefeld, Carsten Geisler

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    89 Citationer (Scopus)


    Because naïve T cells are unable to import cystine due to the absence of cystine transporters, it has been suggested that T cell activation is dependent on cysteine generated by antigen presenting cells. The aim of this study was to determine at which phases during T cell activation exogenous cystine/cysteine is required and how T cells meet this requirement. We found that early activation of T cells is independent of exogenous cystine/cysteine, whereas T cell proliferation is strictly dependent of uptake of exogenous cystine/cysteine. Naïve T cells express no or very low levels of both cystine and cysteine transporters. However, we found that these transporters become strongly up-regulated during T cell activation and provide activated T cells with the required amount of cystine/cysteine needed for T cell proliferation. Thus, T cells are equipped with mechanisms that allow T cell activation and proliferation independently of cysteine generated by antigen presenting cells.
    TidsskriftScientific Reports
    StatusUdgivet - 14 feb. 2012
