The article gives an overview of the principal questions and underpinning that determine Kierkegaard's showdown with the topical academic pictorial art (e.g.time, space, recollection, absence and presence) and his option for the expressive formulas of folk art: non-mimetic, flattened and synthesizing 'bilderbogen', resembling a child's drawing with it's eye for glaring primary colors, materiality and texture. The text takes the reader from Kierkegaard's pictures of a negative mimetic existence to a live situational aesthetics.
Bidragets oversatte titel | Afvisning iblandet kreativ appropriering, livfuld ironi og performative tilgange:: Kierkegaard og billedkunsten |
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Titel | Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts |
Redaktører | Eric Ziolkowski |
Antal sider | 30 |
Udgivelsessted | Evanston, Ill. |
Forlag | Northwestern University Press |
Publikationsdato | 15 jan. 2018 |
Sider | 193-222 |
ISBN (Trykt) | 9780810135970, 9780810135963 |
ISBN (Elektronisk) | 9780810135987 |
Status | Udgivet - 15 jan. 2018 |