An In Silico Model for Predicting the Efficacy of Edge-to-Edge Repair for Mitral Regurgitation

Junichi Ooida, Naoki Kiyohara, Hironaga Noguchi, Yuichiro Oguchi, Kohei Nagane, Takuya Sakaguchi, Gakuto Aoyama, Fumimasa Shige, James V. Chapman, Masahiko Asami, Klaus Fuglsang Kofoed, Michael Huy Cuong Pham, Koshiro Suzuki

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In recent years, transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) has been widely adopted as an effective treatment for mitral regurgitation (MR). The aim of this study is to develop a personalized in silico model to predict the effect of edge-to-edge repair in advance to the procedure for each individual patient. For this purpose, we propose a combination of a valve deformation model for computing the mitral valve (MV) orifice area (MVOA) and a lumped parameter model for the hemodynamics, specifically mitral regurgitation volume (RVol). Although we cannot obtain detailed information on the three-dimensional flow field near the mitral valve, we can rapidly simulate the important medical parameters for the clinical decision support. In the present method, we construct the patient-specific pre-operative models by using the parameter optimization and then simulate the postoperative state by applying the additional clipping condition. The computed preclip MVOAs show good agreement with the clinical measurements, and the correlation coefficient takes 0.998. In addition, the MR grade in terms of RVol also has good correlation with the grade by ground truth MVOA. Finally, we try to investigate the applicability for the predicting the postclip state. The simulated valve shapes clearly show the well-known double orifice and the improvement of the MVOA, compared with the preclip state. Similarly, we confirmed the improved reverse flow and MR grade in terms of RVol. A total computational time is approximately 8 h by using general-purpose PC. These results obviously indicate that the present in silico model has good capability for the assessment of edge-to-edge repair.

TidsskriftJournal of Biomechanical Engineering
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2024

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