Analytical implications of using practice theory in workplace information literacy research

Camilla Elisabeth Moring, Annemaree Lloyd

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review

19 Citationer (Scopus)


Introduction: This paper considers practice theory and the analytical implications of using this theoretical approach in information literacy research. More precisely the aim of the paper is to discuss the translation of practice theoretical assumptions into strategies that frame the analytical focus and interest when researching workplace information literacy. Two practice theoretical perspectives are selected, one by Theodore Schatzki and one by Etienne Wenger, and their general commonalities and differences are analysed and discussed.
Analysis: The two practice theories and their main ideas of what constitute practices, how practices frame social life and the central concepts used to explain this, are presented. Then the application of the theories within workplace information literacy research is briefly explored.
Results and Conclusion: The two theoretical perspectives share some commonalities as they both emphasise practice as a constellation of activities and share an interest in the constitution and conditioning of such activities in social life. However, researchers must be aware that there also exist differences between the two theories that impact on the analytical focus by emphasising some aspects of practice in favour of others.
TidsskriftInformation Research
Udgave nummer3
StatusUdgivet - 15 sep. 2013
