Recommendations for the Organisational Framework for Excellence at UCPH

Bidragets oversatte titel: Anbefalinger om den organisatoriske ramme for excellence på KU

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In response to the Rector’s assignment on how to build an organisational framework for excellence at University of Copenhagen, we recommend planting three seeds in the organisation from which academic citizenship can grow.
We see academic citizenship as the foundation for excellence at University of Copenhagen. Excellence requires a culture of equity, collaboration, belonging, diversity, inclusion, integrity, and curiosity — all of which are encapsulated in academic citizenship.

1. We recommend a single-point access for Principal Investigators and researchers into all matters of administration as a new and efficient way to manage research support.

2. We recommend a ’Cross-Campus Collaboratory’ to promote interdisciplinary research. This initiative needs to be based on strong faculty-campus-administration alignment.

3. We recommend appointing a Pro-Rector for Academic Citizenship and establishing an office for academic citizenship, which will ensure that all employees at every level of the university feel that they belong and stimulate the further development of a work and study environment in which everyone thrives.

With this report, we present our recommendations as starting points for a process to further qualify, implement, and evaluate academic citizenship, solidarity, and excellence at University of Copenhagen.
Bidragets oversatte titelAnbefalinger om den organisatoriske ramme for excellence på KU
ForlagCampus Print
Antal sider32
StatusUdgivet - 25 maj 2024
BegivenhedUCPH Forward III (2023-2024) - University of Copenhagen
Varighed: 1 jun. 20233 maj 2024


KursusUCPH Forward III (2023-2024)
LokationUniversity of Copenhagen
