Aquafilling Filler for Buttock Augmentation Cause Severe Long-Term Complications: A Case Report

Camilla Soendergaard Kristiansen, Christian Lyngsaa Lang, Ann Haerskjold, Claus Zachariae, Anders Klit

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Filler injections for buttock augmentation are becoming more popular as a cosmetic
procedure, which leads to an expected increase in the number of complications
emphasizing the importance of reporting cases with both well-known, severe, and
previously undiscovered complications, as well as their possible treatment strategies.
We present an 18-year-old woman who suffered severe long-term complications
following Aquafilling injections for buttock augmentation, including filler migration,
infection leading to septic shock, and nonparathyroid hypercalcemia, which has the
potential to cause renal insufficiency. To date, we have not found any reports describing
the association between nonparathyroid hypercalcemia and Aquafilling. Additionally,
we outline a treatment regimen involving a minimally invasive approach, which
includes daily irrigation, manual compression, and passive evacuation. At follow-up,
the patient returned to her everyday life with no lasting sequelae, except for a solid
mass medially on the right thigh.
TidsskriftIndian Journal of Plastic Surgery
Antal sider4
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2025
