Assessing the 'Governance Grip' of Combined Authorities for Integrated Infrastructure Provision in the UK

Paul Honeybone, Katrien Steenmans, Michele Acuto

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning


While the positive benefits of integrated infrastructure development and management are theoretically understood, many global city-regions do not have
governance arrangements designed to operationalise integration. Despite the
criticality of ‘nexus’ provision and high degrees of interdependence in city-regions, the organisation of governance mechanisms to ensure collaborative and symbiotic relationships remains an incomplete aspect of business as usual. A preliminary assessment was conducted of the governability of critical infrastructure domains (water, energy, food, and waste) in select UK city-regions. To establish a systematic approach for further research, a Governance Framework was produced and piloted.
The paper also reports on preliminary investigations and confirms insights that a
governance deficit exists. We note that integrated infrastructure issues were not
appearing systematically as high-level strategic governance priorities for the newly established Combined Authorities. We conclude the ‘governance grip’ discernable for overseeing integrated infrastructure outcomes is relatively weak.
TitelSelected Conference Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience
Publikationsdato28 nov. 2018
StatusUdgivet - 28 nov. 2018
