Assuming Ionization Equilibrium and the Impact on the Ly alpha Forest Power Spectrum during the End of Reionization at 8 >= z >= 5

Samir Kusmic*, Kristian Finlator, Laura Keating, Ezra Huscher

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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We explore how the assumption of ionization equilibrium modulates the modeled intergalactic medium at the end of the hydrogen epoch of reionization using the cosmological radiation hydrodynamic Technicolor Dawn simulation. In neutral and partially ionized regions where the metagalactic ultraviolet background is weak, the ionization timescale t (ion) equivalent to Gamma(-1) exceeds the Hubble time. Assuming photoionization equilibrium in such regions artificially boosts the ionization rate, accelerating reionization. By contrast, the recombination time t (rec) < t (ion) in photoionized regions, with the result that assuming photoionization equilibrium artificially increases the neutral hydrogen fraction. Using snapshots in the range 8 >= z >= 5, we compare the predicted Ly alpha forest (LAF) flux power spectrum with and without the assumption of ionization equilibrium. Small scales (k > 0.1 rad s km(-1)) exhibit reduced power from 7

TidsskriftAstrophysical Journal
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 1 maj 2022
