Bekymrende tendens i spredningen af tuberkulose blandt Danske mænd

Troels Lillebæk*, Vibeke Østergaard Thomsen

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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11 Citationer (Scopus)


Introduction: During the last 10 years, the centurylong steady decline in the annual numbers of Danish-born tuberculosis (TB) cases seems to have stagnated, primarily due to an increasing number of cases among young to middle-aged Danish-born men who are part of the »Danish Cluster 2« outbreak. Materials and methods: Since 1992, DNA analysis of M. tuberculosis strains has been implemented in Denmark on a nationwide basis, using the internationally standardized restriction fragment length polymorphism method. This study included 4,102 DNA fingerprints representing 97% of all culture-positive TB patients diagnosed in Denmark from 1992 through 2001. Results: One specific strain emerged rapidly. In 1992, the Danish Cluster 2 strain accounted for 6% of all culture-positive Danish-born cases, increasing to 29% in 2001. The patients infected with Cluster 2 strains were on average younger, more likely to be male and more likely to have pulmonary involvement than other Danish-born cases. During the first four observation years, they were found mainly in the capital city (Copenhagen) but later on increasingly in the provinces. Discussion: We consider the increasing dominance of Cluster 2 cases and the change in their geographical distribution as an outbreak. The situation requires an increased focus on early diagnosis of tuberculosis and control of its transmission in Denmark.

Bidragets oversatte titelOutbreak of tuberculosis among Danish-born men
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)388-391
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 24 jan. 2005
