Brillouin optomechanics: From strong coupling to single-phonon-level operations

Georg Enzian, Lars Freisem, John J. Price, Andreas O. Svela, Jack Clarke, Magdalena Szczykulska, Joshua Nunn, Ian Walmsley, Jonathan Silver, Leonardo Del Bino, Shuangyou Zhang, Pascal Del'Haye, Biveen Shajilal, Jiri Janousek, Ben C. Buchler, Ping Koy Lam, Michael R. Vanner*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Backward Brillouin scattering in whispering-gallery-mode micro-resonators offers an exciting avenue to pursue both classical and quantum optomechanics applications. Our team-the Quantum Measurement Lab-together with our collaborators, are currently utilizing this regime and the favourable properties it affords for non-Gaussian motional state preparation of the acoustic field. In particular, the high mechanical frequencies, and low optical absorption and heating provide a promising route to overcome current hindrances within optomechanics. Three of our recent experimental results in this area include: (i) Brillouin optomechanical strong coupling, (ii) single-phonon addition or subtraction to a thermal state of the acoustic field, and (iii) performing phase-space tomography of non-Gaussian states generated by single- and multi-phonon subtraction. This SPIE presentation will cover these three results, what they enable, and the broader direction of our lab including the prospects of this platform for quantum-memory applications.

TidsskriftProceedings of SPIE
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2 mar. 2022
BegivenhedConference on Optical and Quantum Sensing and Precision Metrology II -
Varighed: 22 jan. 202224 feb. 2022


KonferenceConference on Optical and Quantum Sensing and Precision Metrology II
