Characterization of exhaust emissions from a EURO 5 light passenger vehicle using biodiesel blends

I. Ribeiro, A. Monteiro, L. Serrano, L. Tarelho, N. Pires, P. Cascão, S. Rafael, O. J. Nielsen, T. Nunes, M. Evtyugina, M. Gameiro Da Silva, A. I. Miranda, C. Borrego, M. Lopes

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We have performed experiments using a EURO 5 light passenger vehicle, operated over the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Fuel blends containing 7% (B7) and 20% (B20) of biodiesel (84% soyabean/16% palm) in petroleum-based diesel were tested and compared with a diesel fuel (B0). The exhaust gases emissions were assessed for NO, NO2, SO2and volatile organic compounds (VOC), including a speciation analysis of VOC. The experiment reveals that biodiesel blends improve the combustion efficiency, NO and SO2emissions, and increasing NO2and total VOC emissions. The VOC speciation analysis suggests that the type and fraction of VOC existent in exhausted gases is fuel dependent, changing their presence and concentrations according to the fuel used. Additionally, the concentration of the three main VOC species in exhaust gases from B0 (benzene, toluene and octane) decrease 60-80% if a B20 blend is used. This experimental study contributes to a better characterization of the emission factors of EURO 5 light passenger vehicles using diesel/biodiesel blends and to a better understanding of the impact of the use of biodiesel blends on pollutant emissions.

TitelThe Sustainable City IX : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
RedaktørerSimone Bastianoni, Riccardo Pulselli, Nadia Marchettini, C.A. Brebbia
Antal sider11
UdgivelsesstedUnited Kingdom, Southampton
Publikationsdato23 sep. 2014
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781845648206
StatusUdgivet - 23 sep. 2014
Begivenhed9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, SC 2014 - Siena, Italien
Varighed: 23 sep. 201425 sep. 2014


Konference9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, SC 2014
SponsorWIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
NavnWIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
