City of open works

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    Cities change – and so do the tasks and agendas of landscapes architects. New types of urban schemes are increasingly arising. On the one hand, new sorts of commissions have emerged in recent years – on the other hand, traditional commissions have been interpreted in radically new ways. These contemporary approaches are closely con-nected to challenges following the transformation of existing urban structures – the re-use of metropolis. And the resulting projects are often created as more or less open works; they challenge existing typologies through a particularly inclusive and hetero-geneous design method. But what actually characterizes this new design method? We have pointed out five specific strategies
    TitelIn Touch
    RedaktørerLisa Diedrich, Mark Hendriks, Thierry Kandjee, Claudia Moll
    Antal sider4
    ForlagBirkhäuser Verlag
    ISBN (Trykt)978-3-0346-0815-2
    StatusUdgivet - 2012

    Bibliografisk note

    Landscape Architecture Europe
