"Denmark contra Jvdæos": Conspiracist antisemitism and stigmatised knowledge in Danish national socialism, 1938–1945

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This article examines the relationship between conspiracy theories and antisemitism by posing the question of whether conspiracism is an inseparable and integrated part of national socialist antisemitism or a marginalised, extremist position even within such settings. An analysis of two Danish national-socialist journals, Kamptegnet and National-Socialisten, demonstrates how the introduction of stigmatised knowledge in the form of anti-Masonic conspiracy theories and the myth of ritual murder led to an antisemitic escalation process in Kamptegnet, imbuing antisemitism with a redemptive character during the Second World War. Antisemitic conspiracy theories, on the other hand, played a relatively marginal role in National-Socialisten, where aspects that enjoyed promotion in Germany were downplayed for tactical reasons. While antisemitism in National-Socialisten primarily played a role in caricatures and as a bizarre form of entertainment, an escalation can also be observed here as a consequence of the progression of the war and the intensified German propaganda effort.
TidsskriftNordisk judaistik - Scandinavian Jewish Studies
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)32-51
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Special issue: "The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities", Guest Editors: Nicola Karcher, Ph.D. & Kjetil Braut Simonsen, Ph.D.
