Det gode forældreskab som en balancegang – dekonstruktion af diskursen om curling-forældre

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The purpose of this article is to deconstruct the discourse of “curling-forældre” (the Danish counterpart to “helicopter parents”) in order to explore how ‘good’ parenting is tied to psychological knowledge of child development and constructed as a balancing act between the problematized parent categories: the curling, the laissez-fair and the authoritarian parent. Based on the theoretical background of Foucault’s concepts of power, knowledge and discourse, this article applies a post structural perspective on the radio show “Curling-forældre” broadcasted by Radio24syv. It shows how good parenting is articulated as a balance between too much and not enough control, rules and solicitude.
TidsskriftTidsskrift for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)41-58
StatusUdgivet - 14 mar. 2018
