Digital Humanities and networked digital media

Bidragets oversatte titel: Digital Humanities and networked digital media

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This article discusses digital humanities and the growing diversity of digital media, digital materials and digital methods. The first section describes the humanities computing tradition formed around the interpretation of computation as a rule-based process connected to a concept of digital materials centred on the digitisation of non-digital, finite works, corpora and oeuvres. The second section discusses “the big tent” of contemporary digital humanities. It is argued that there can be no unifying interpretation of digital humanities above the level of studying digital materials with the help of software-supported methods. This is so, in part, because of the complexity of the world and, in part, because digital media remain open to the projection of new epistemologies onto the functional architecture of these media. The third section discusses the heterogeneous character of digital materials and proposes that the study of digital materials should be established as a field in its own right.
Bidragets oversatte titelDigital Humanities and networked digital media
Udgave nummer57
Sider (fra-til)94-114
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 19 dec. 2014

Bibliografisk note

Det ser ud til der er en burokratisk fejl. MedieKultur er uændret samme tidsskrift, men kommer i dag elektronisk med nyt ISSN, der tilsyneladende ikke er registreret med samme BFI værdi som den trykte udgave der kom frem til 2012. Det fremgår ellers tydeligt nok af databasen hvad relationen er.


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Digital Humanities
  • Networked digital media
