Economic valuation of the visual externalities of off-shore wind farms

Jacob Ladenburg, Alex Dubgaard, Louise Martinsen, Jesper Tranberg

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    The primary focus of the study presented in this report is visual externalities of off-shore wind farms and the Danish population’s willingness to pay for having these ex-ternalities reduced. The investigation is part of the Danish monitoring programme for off-shore wind farms, comprising several studies of the environmental impact of off-shore wind farms. The programme is coordinated by the Environmental Group with representatives from Elsam Engineering, Energy E2, the Danish Forest and Nature Agency, and the Danish Energy Authority. The present study was initiated in August 2003, and this report concludes the project. An overview of the findings will also be published in a joint publication, comprising all projects under the Danish monitoring programme for off-shore wind farms. Fur-ther research within this area is taking place in connection with a Ph.D. programme at KVL.
    UdgiverFødevareøkonomisk Institut
    Antal sider185
    StatusUdgivet - 2005
    NavnFOI Rapport
