Effect of short-term exposure to high ambient temperatures on heat production in boars of different breeds

A.-H. Tauson, A. Chwalibog, J. Ludvigsen, K. Jakobsen, G. Thorbek

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

    TitelIkke angivet
    RedaktørerK. J. McCracken, E. F. Unsworth, A. R. G. Wylie
    Antal sider4
    ForlagCABI Publishing
    ISBN (Trykt)0851992765
    StatusUdgivet - 1998
    BegivenhedEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 14. Symposium on Energy Meatbolism, Newcastle, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, 1997 -
    Varighed: 29 nov. 2010 → …


    KonferenceEnergy metabolism of farm animals : proceedings of the 14. Symposium on Energy Meatbolism, Newcastle, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, 1997
    Periode29/11/2010 → …

    Bibliografisk note

    Ukendte organisationer '\'Forskningsinstitut for Human Ernæring\', \'90\''
