title = "El gato y el rat{\'o}n; Dos viviendas unifamiliares.: Houses for two brothers",
abstract = "Prestigious annual technical publication specialized in ceramic block work buildings. It presents relevant technical information of a building designed integrally by my architect partner and me: pictures, original drawings of the project and my article about it. It was awarded with a mention for its design and technical details",
keywords = "Det Teologiske Fakultet, ARCHITECTURE, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, ARCHITECTURE, Building materials, their history, production and use, sustainability",
author = "{Garcia Sanchez}, {Maria del Carmen} and {Lendinez Martin}, Andr{\'e}s",
year = "2003",
month = dec,
day = "12",
language = "Spansk",
isbn = "978 84 932812 1 2",
volume = "1",
series = " Premio de Arquitectura con termoarcilla",
number = "1",
pages = "88--95",
booktitle = "I Premio de Arquitectura con termoarcilla 2002",
publisher = "Hispalyt ",