Er der noget galt i bioteknologisk forbedring? Debatten om verdens første genredigerede mennesker.

Helene Scott-Fordsmand, Katla Heðinsdóttir

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In November 2018, news of the genetically edited newborns, Nana and Lulu, spread across the world. Scientists and ethicists almost unanimously condemned the experiment which led to their existence, as risk factors of using the CRISPR-technology are largely unknown and the possible scenarios it may bring about are ethically unaccounted for. Considering this event, this article briefly investigates the problem of human enhancement. A common public objection to enhancement technologies is that human beings should not “play God”. However, this statement is often philosophically neglected, perhaps because of its religious connotations. By exploring the existential-hermeneutical thoughts of Martin Heidegger, we provide a philosophical ground for such an argument, and conclude that there are good reasons for a continuous critical debate about emerging biotechnologies.
Bidragets oversatte titelIs there anything wrong with biotechnological enhancement?: The debate about the world’s first gene-edited humans
TidsskriftBibliotek for Laeger
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)148-157
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 4 jun. 2019
