An Unsettling Divide in Linguistic Dating and Historical Linguistics

Bidragets oversatte titel: Et ubehageligt skisma inden for lingvistisk datering og historisk lingvistik

Martin Gustaf Ehrensvärd, Robert Rezetko, Ian Young

Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskning


Most ancient Hebrew language scholars probably agree broadly about what scholarship and scholarly method are and should be. They agree that scholarship entails dialogue, debate, self-criticism, evaluation, correction, and so on. But when it comes down to how this looks in practice, misunderstandings have become abundant and a very unfortunate situation has developed in the field.
Bidragets oversatte titelEt ubehageligt skisma inden for lingvistisk datering og historisk lingvistik
Publikationsdato15 feb. 2016
StatusUdgivet - 15 feb. 2016
