Exhibiting Across the Iron Curtain: The Forgotten Trail of Danish Artists Exhibiting in the Context of State Socialism, ca. 1955–1985

Kristian Handberg, Yulia Karpova

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The article presents the research project “Exhibiting across the Iron Curtain: The forgotten trail of Danish artists exhibiting in the context of state socialism, ca. 1955–1985” (The
University of Copenhagen, 2021–24). Project researchers Kristian Handberg and Yulia Karpova introduce the project and its most important ambitions, especially those related to the
theme of cross-border connectivity in the Nordic region through a few examples taken from
their most recent work. These case studies illustrate how they approach this particular material and will tackle the questions and challenges that may rise.
TidsskriftArtl@s Bulletin
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)133-139
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2022
