Exploring training needs of newly graduated medical doctors to inform the undergraduate simulation-based curriculum: a national Delphi consensus study

Niklas Breindahl, Farsana Khan, Mads Skipper, Anders Bo Nielsen, Mikkel Lønborg Friis, Charlotte Paltved, Rune Dall Jensen, Jørgen A L Kurtzhals, Lars Konge, Leizl Joy Nayahangan

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

3 Citationer (Scopus)


PURPOSE: Mastering technical procedures is a key component in succeeding as a newly graduated medical doctor and is of critical importance to ensure patient safety. The efficacy of simulation-based education has been demonstrated but medical schools have different requirements for undergraduate curricula. We aimed to identify and prioritize the technical procedures needed by newly graduated medical doctors.

METHODS: We conducted a national needs assessment survey using the Delphi technique to gather consensus from key opinion leaders in the field. In the first round, a brainstorm was conducted to identify all potential technical procedures. In the second round, respondents rated the need for simulation-based training of each procedure using the Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation Needs Assessment Formula (CAMES-NAF). The third round was a final elimination and prioritization of the procedures.

RESULTS: In total, 107 experts from 21 specialties answered the first round: 123 unique technical procedures were suggested. Response rates were 58% and 64% in the second and the third round, respectively. In the third round, 104 procedures were eliminated based on the consensus criterion, and the remaining 19 procedures were included and prioritized. The top five procedures were: (i) insert peripheral intravenous catheter, (ii) put on personal protection equipment, (iii) perform basic airway maneuvers, (iv) perform basic life support, and (v) perform radial artery puncture.

CONCLUSION: Based on the Delphi process a final list of 19 technical procedures reached expert consensus to be included in the undergraduate curriculum for simulation-based education.

TidsskriftPostgraduate Medical Journal
Udgave nummer1167
Sider (fra-til)37-44
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 22 mar. 2023

Bibliografisk note

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Postgraduate Medical Journal. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
