Fixing the non-relativistic expansion of the 1PM potential

Gianluca Grignani*, Troels Harmark, Marta Orselli, Andrea Placidi

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We obtain a first order post-Minkowskian two-body effective potential whose post-Newtonian expansion directly reproduces the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann potential. Post-Minkowskian potentials can be extracted from on-shell scattering amplitudes in a quantum field theory of scalar matter coupled to gravity. Previously, such potentials did not reproduce the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann potential without employing a suitable canonical transformation. In this work, we resolve this issue by obtaining a new expression for the first-order post-Minkowskian potential. This is accomplished by exploiting the reference frame dependence that arises in the scattering amplitude computation. Finally, as a check on our result, we demonstrate that our new potential gives the correct scattering angle.

TidsskriftJournal of High Energy Physics
Udgave nummer12
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 22 dec. 2020
