Fjenden fra Nord. Nedslag i den skandinaviske gammeltestamentlige forskning i første halvdel af 1900-tallet

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The years 1900-1950 were a fruitful and productive period
in Old Testament research in the Nordic countries. Represented by
internationally renowned figures like Johannes Pedersen, Sigmund
Mowinckel, and Ivan Engnell, Scandinavian Old Testament scholarship
gained an independent profile over against the German and Anglo-
Saxon realms. This article explores themes of central importance
to Nordic scholars in this period, and attempts to spell out some of
the more significant nuances and differences among them. Finally, I
raise the question to which extent we can meaningfully speak of tendencies
and features common to Scandinavian Old Testament scholars
1900-1950, and whether such tendencies reflect more general cultural
trends of their time. I tentatively point to some common denominators:
A comparative approach that takes seriously the ancient Near Eastern
context of the Old Testament texts, a marked emphasis on cultic perspectives,
and an interest in the role played by orality in the formation
of Old Testament literary genres and texts. Despite some very different
accents put by various scholars, these points may be described as characteristic
of Scandinavian scholarship in the period.
TidsskriftDansk Teologisk Tidsskrift
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)260-276
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - feb. 2017


  • Det Teologiske Fakultet
