Forgotten interactions: Invoking top managers in middle managerial strategizing

Elena Tavella, Jane Kirsten Le

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This paper adopts a practice-based discursive approach to examine the direct and indirect influence of the TMT on middle managerial strategizing. Adopting a longitudinal, inductive case study, this paper explores (1) how TMT members are invoked in middle managerial strategizing, (2) how different TMT constellations are discursively constructed; and (3) how these constructions influence strategizing dynamics. Through a micro-level analysis of 12 months of middle managerial strategy meetings (N=26) at an elite Scandinavian organization, we identify that TMT constellations are constructed in a fluid, flexible and moment-by-moment way, shifting over time, as middle managers invoke TMT members in an either one-off or serial, enrolling fashion. These invocations shape strategizing by influencing how strategic projects are discussed, planned, and enacted, within and across meetings.
TidsskriftAcademy of Management Proceedings
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 2018
