Forsøgets Fremtid - fra eksperiment til ny arkæologisk viden

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The Future of Experimentation – from experiment to new archaeological knowledge

The seminar The Future of Experimentation – from experiment to new archaeological knowledge had two purposes: We would come closer to an up-to-date definition of the concept of experimental archaeology, and we would try to reach a proposal for the trends in future experimental work.
With regard to a definition, there was an agreement that three things have to be in place for an experiment to be called ‘experimental archaeology’: the experiment has to be rooted in a source material, 2) data have to be systematically collected, and 3) the experiment has to be carried out according to a hypothesis.
With the regard to the future, we highlighted to extend the concept to ‘experimental cultural history’, as well as it was believed that sensory input would be recorded to a much greater extent than it is today.
TidsskriftArkæologisk Forum
Sider (fra-til)32-41
StatusUdgivet - 30 dec. 2024
BegivenhedForsøgets Fremtid - fra eksperiment til ny arkæologisk viden - Sagnlandet Lejre, Lejre, Danmark
Varighed: 13 mar. 2024 → …


SeminarForsøgets Fremtid - fra eksperiment til ny arkæologisk viden
LokationSagnlandet Lejre
Periode13/03/2024 → …


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • arkæologi
  • Eksperimentelarkæologi
  • Saxo-Instituttet
  • Sagnlandet Lejre
