FRAX calculated without BMD resulting in a higher fracture risk than that calculated with BMD in women with early breast cancer

Rizky Suganda Prawiradilaga*, Victoria Gunmalm, Trine Lund-Jacobsen, Eva Wulff Helge, Charlotte Brøns, Michael Andersson, Peter Schwarz

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Background (and Purpose): The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of including the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) in reliable fracture risk assessment for women diagnosed with early nonmetastatic breast cancer (EBC) before AI treatment if zoledronic acid is not an option.

Material and Methods: One hundred and sixteen women with EBC were included
in the study before initiating AI treatment. Most participants were osteopenic. The 10-year probability of hip fracture and major osteoporotic fracture was calculated with and without BMD based on clinical information collected at baseline using the fracture risk assessment (FRAX) tool. To compare data, the nonparametric tests were used.

Results: There was a signifcant diference (p<0.001) in the number of high-risk and low-risk FRAX score of hip fracture between before and after including BMD values. The high-risk category decreased by 50.9%, while the low-risk category increased by 42.9%. In FRAX score of major osteoporotic the findings were similar (p<0.001): The high-risk and moderate-risk category decreased by 70.4% and 4.9%, respectively, while the low-risk category increased by 43.8% when including BMD value. When stratifed by age, patients aged 65 years or older were at a
signifcantly (p<0.001) higher risk of suffering a hip or major osteoporotic fracture, highlighting the importance of including BMD measurements in this age group.

Conclusions: Our data support that DXA scanning of women with EBC should be performed to avoid overestimation of osteoporosis before AI treatment. It is particularly important in patients older than 65 years of age and when zoledronic acid is not an option.

TidsskriftJournal of Osteoporosis
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2018

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2018 NEXS 390
