Generating synthetic computed tomography for radiotherapy: SynthRAD2023 challenge report

Evi M.C. Huijben, Maarten L. Terpstra, Arthur Jr. Galapon, Suraj Pai, Adrian Thummerer, Peter Koopmans, Manya Afonso, Maureen van Eijnatten, Oliver Gurney-Champion, Zeli Chen, Yiwen Zhang, Kaiyi Zheng, Chuanpu Li, Haowen Pang, Chuyang Ye, Runqi Wang, Tao Song, Fuxin Fan, Jingna Qiu, Yixing HuangJuhyung Ha, Jong Sung Park, Alexandra Alain-Beaudoin, Silvain Bériault, Pengxin Yu, Hongbin Guo, Zhanyao Huang, Gengwan Li, Xueru Zhang, Yubo Fan, Han Liu, Bowen Xin, Aaron Nicolson, Lujia Zhong, Zhiwei Deng, Gustav Müller-Franzes, Firas Khader, Xia Li, Ye Zhang, Cédric Hémon, Valentin Boussot, Zhihao Zhang, Long Wang, Lu Bai, Shaobin Wang, Derk Mus, Bram Kooiman, Chelsea A.H. Sargeant, Edward G.A. Henderson, Satoshi Kondo, Satoshi Kasai, Reza Karimzadeh, Bulat Ibragimov, Thomas Helfer, Jessica Dafflon, Zijie Chen, Enpei Wang, Zoltan Perko, Matteo Maspero*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

2 Citationer (Scopus)


Radiation therapy plays a crucial role in cancer treatment, necessitating precise delivery of radiation to tumors while sparing healthy tissues over multiple days. Computed tomography (CT) is integral for treatment planning, offering electron density data crucial for accurate dose calculations. However, accurately representing patient anatomy is challenging, especially in adaptive radiotherapy, where CT is not acquired daily. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides superior soft-tissue contrast. Still, it lacks electron density information, while cone beam CT (CBCT) lacks direct electron density calibration and is mainly used for patient positioning. Adopting MRI-only or CBCT-based adaptive radiotherapy eliminates the need for CT planning but presents challenges. Synthetic CT (sCT) generation techniques aim to address these challenges by using image synthesis to bridge the gap between MRI, CBCT, and CT. The SynthRAD2023 challenge was organized to compare synthetic CT generation methods using multi-center ground truth data from 1080 patients, divided into two tasks: (1) MRI-to-CT and (2) CBCT-to-CT. The evaluation included image similarity and dose-based metrics from proton and photon plans. The challenge attracted significant participation, with 617 registrations and 22/17 valid submissions for tasks 1/2. Top-performing teams achieved high structural similarity indices (≥0.87/0.90) and gamma pass rates for photon (≥98.1%/99.0%) and proton (≥97.3%/97.0%) plans. However, no significant correlation was found between image similarity metrics and dose accuracy, emphasizing the need for dose evaluation when assessing the clinical applicability of sCT. SynthRAD2023 facilitated the investigation and benchmarking of sCT generation techniques, providing insights for developing MRI-only and CBCT-based adaptive radiotherapy. It showcased the growing capacity of deep learning to produce high-quality sCT, reducing reliance on conventional CT for treatment planning.

TidsskriftMedical Image Analysis
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The organizers would like to thank Eric van der Bijl for leading the data collection at Radboud UMC Nijmegen, Cornelis (Nico) AT van den Berg for supporting the challenge offering facilities and hosting the administrative account within UMC Utrecht, Joost JC Verhoeff for supporting the data retrieval at UMC Utrecht, Stefan Both supporting the data retrieval at UMC Groningen. We thank the European Society of Radiation Oncology (ESTRO), and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica (NVKF) for endorsing the event. SynthRAD2023 was funded by the Seed Fund granted TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht (EWUU) alliance ( with the Seed Fund round of November 2022.

Funding Information:
SynthRAD2023 was funded by the TU/e , WUR , UU , UMC Utrecht (EWUU) alliance ( ).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s)
