Glial progenitor cell-based repair of the dysmyelinated brain: Progression to the clinic

Steven A. Goldman*, John N. Mariani, Pernille M. Madsen

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningpeer review

10 Citationer (Scopus)
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Demyelinating disorders of the central white matter are among the most prevalent and disabling conditions in neurology. Since myelin-producing oligodendrocytes comprise the principal cell type deficient or lost in these conditions, their replacement by new cells generated from transplanted bipotential oligodendrocyte-astrocyte progenitor cells has emerged as a therapeutic strategy for a variety of primary dysmyelinating diseases. In this review, we summarize the research and clinical considerations supporting current efforts to bring this treatment approach to patients.

TidsskriftSeminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
Sider (fra-til)62-70
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2021
