Going beyond gadgets: the importance of scalability for analogue quantum simulators

Dylan Harley*, Ishaun Datta, Frederik Ravn Klausen, Andreas Bluhm, Daniel Stilck França, Albert H. Werner, Matthias Christandl

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Quantum hardware has the potential to efficiently solve computationally difficult problems in physics and chemistry to reap enormous practical rewards. Analogue quantum simulation accomplishes this by using the dynamics of a controlled many-body system to mimic those of another system; such a method is feasible on near-term devices. We show that previous theoretical approaches to analogue quantum simulation suffer from fundamental barriers which prohibit scalable experimental implementation. By introducing a new mathematical framework and going beyond the usual toolbox of Hamiltonian complexity theory with an additional resource of engineered dissipation, we show that these barriers can be overcome. This provides a powerful new perspective for the rigorous study of analogue quantum simulators.

TidsskriftNature Communications
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We acknowledge financial support from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (Grant No. NNF20OC0059939 \u2018Quantum for Life\u2019), the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement No. 818761) and VILLUM FONDEN via the QMATH Centre of Excellence (Grant No. 10059). A.H.W. thanks the VILLUM FONDEN for its support with a Villum Young Investigator Grant (Grant No. 25452). I.D. was supported in part by the AFOSR under grant FA9550-21-1-0392 and a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE 1656518. I.D. thanks everyone at QMATH for their hospitality during his research visit to KU and especially Prof. Adam Bouland for encouraging and supporting the visit. I.D. gratefully acknowledges Harriet Apel for generously offering insights and guidance during fruitful discussions at the early stages of this work.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.
