Graduation and development finance in the SDG era: A case study of Ghana

Ole Winckler Andersen, Henrik Hansen, John Rand, Lasse Møller, Emmanuel Kodwo

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapport


Ghana graduated to become a lower middle-income country in 2010 after a rebasing of its GDP. The graduation has been followed by lower economic growth, persistent fiscal deficits and a changed composition in the country’s development finance, including a falling share of ODA and increasing public debt stocks. These developments are taking place in the context of the adoption of the SDGs in the United Nations in 2015, where all estimates indicate that the achievement of the SDGs will require a significant increase in development finance.

The present Evaluation Study contains a preliminary analysis of both the changed composition of development finance in Ghana, including the implications of graduation, and related fiscal management challenges as well as a brief review of the political and institutional response of the Government of Ghana.
ForlagMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Danida
Antal sider38
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-93616-70-7
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-93616-70-4
StatusUdgivet - 21 jun. 2018
