Grammar is background in sentence processing

Marie Herget Christensen, Line Burholt Kristensen*, Nicoline Munck Vinther, Kasper Boye

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Boye and Harder (2012) claim that the grammatical-lexical distinction has to do with discourse prominence: lexical elements can convey discursively primary (or foreground) information, whereas grammatical elements cannot (outside corrective contexts). This paper reports two experiments that test this claim. Experiment 1 was a letter detection study, in which readers were instructed to mark specific letters in the text. Experiment 2 was a text-change study, in which participants were asked to register omitted words. Experiment 2 showed a main effect of word category: readers attend more to words in lexical elements (e.g. full verbs) than to those in grammatical elements (e.g. auxiliaries). Experiment 1 showed an interaction: attention to letters in focused constituents increased more for grammatical words than for lexical words. The results suggest that the lexical-grammatical contrast does indeed guide readers’ attention to words.
TidsskriftLanguage and Cognition
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)128-153
StatusUdgivet - 2021


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • grammatik
  • opmærksomhed
  • leksikon
  • Fokus
  • bogstavsøgning
  • Ændringsblindhed
  • Sætningsprocessering
