GRP-producing nerves control antral somatostatin and gastrin secretion in pigs

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By immunohistochemistry, nerve fibers containing gastrin-releasing polypeptide (GRP)-like immunoreactivity were identified close to the somatostatin (SS)-producing cells of the gastric antral mucosa. We, therefore, studied the possible role of GRP in the control of antral SS secretion by use of isolated perfused pig antrum with intact vagus nerve supply. Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves at 4 Hz increased the antral release of GRP up to 10-fold and increased SS output 2- to 3-fold. Atropine at 10(-6) M had no effect on these responses. Intra-arterial GRP increased SS secretion significantly at 10(-10) M and eightfold at 10(-8) M, whereas gastrin secretion was stimulated significantly at 10(-11) M and maximally at 10(-10) M and inhibited at 10(-8) M. Preperfusion with a GRP antagonist ([D-Arg1,D-Pro2,D-Trp7,9,Leu11]substance P) or Fab fragments of antibodies against GRP abolished the effects of vagus stimulation on gastrin and somatostatin output. Gastrin in concentrations up to 10(-7) M was without effect on SS secretion. We conclude that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves increases antral SS gastrin secretion and that GRP is a likely transmitter.
TidsskriftAmerican Journal of Physiology (Consolidated)
Udgave nummer6 Pt 1
Sider (fra-til)G767-74
StatusUdgivet - dec. 1987
