Heat production and quantitative oxidation of nutrients by physical activity in humans

G Thorbek, André Chwalibog, K Jakobsen, S Henckel

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    9 Citationer (Scopus)


    The effect of physical activity on heat production and oxidation of nutrients was measured by means of indirect calorimetry. The experiment included 6 male and 4 female healthy subjects who, during a 24-hour stay in the respiration chambers, performed, in the morning and afternoon, 15 min cycling with the total work of 6,750 kg m. Experiments were repeated twice (3- to 4-week interval) showing no differences between the gas exchange in the morning and afternoon and between first and second experiment. The gas exchange during cycling was about 4 times higher than during basal periods. The identical work of 66.2 kJ by cycling caused on average a heat increment of 309 kJ, yielding the mean energetic efficiency for the performed work of 0.22. The activity caused an increment of 11.5 g oxidized carbohydrate and 2.6 g oxidized fat.
    TidsskriftAnnals of Nutrition and Metabolism
    Udgave nummer1
    Sider (fra-til)8-12
    Antal sider5
    StatusUdgivet - 1994
