High Ground State Overlap via Quantum Embedding Methods

Mihael Erakovik*, Freek Gerrit Witteveen*, Dylan Harley, Jakob Max Günther, Moritz Bensberg, Oinam Romesh Meitei, Minsik Cho, Troy Van Voorhis, Markus Reiher, Matthias Christandl

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Quantum computers can accurately compute ground state energies using phase estimation, but this requires a guiding state that has significant overlap with the true ground state. For large molecules and extended materials, it becomes difficult to find guiding states with good ground state overlap for growing molecule sizes. Additionally, the required number of qubits and quantum gates may become prohibitively large. One approach for dealing with these challenges is to use a quantum embedding method, which allows a reduction to one or multiple smaller quantum cores embedded in a larger quantum region. In such situations, it is unclear how the embedding method affects the hardness of constructing good guiding states. In this work, we therefore investigate the preparation of guiding states in the context of quantum embedding methods. We extend previous work on quantum impurity problems, a framework in which we can rigorously analyze the embedding of a subset of orbitals. While there exist results for optimal active orbital space selection in terms of energy minimization, we rigorously demonstrate how the same principles can be used to define selected orbital spaces for state preparation in terms of the overlap with the ground state. Moreover, we perform numerical studies of molecular systems relevant to biochemistry, one field in which quantum embedding methods are required due to the large size of biomacromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. We investigate two different embedding strategies which can exhibit qualitatively different orbital entanglement. In all cases, we demonstrate that the easy-to-obtain mean-field state will have a sufficiently high overlap with the target state to perform quantum phase estimation.
Artikelnummer013003 (
TidsskriftPRX Life
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider23
StatusUdgivet - 14 jan. 2025
