Honesty-Humility Interacts With Context Perception in Predicting Task Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Kathrin Wendler, Jie Liu, Ingo Zettler

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In this study, we investigated the interaction effects between honesty-humility and two contextual perception variables (perceptions of organizational politics and perceptions of interactional justice) on two dimensions of job performance (task performance and organizational citizenship behavior). In a multiple rater design, we dissociated the assessments of the contextual perception variables (rated by target employees), personality traits (rated by colleagues), and job performance (rated by supervisors) from each other. We expected employees lower in honesty-humility to adapt their behavior according to the perceived context, whereas employees higher in honesty-humility were expected to perform equally well irrespective of the perceived environment. Results supported the hypothesized interactions in general.
TidsskriftJournal of Personnel Psychology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)161-171
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2018
