“I am the Granddaughter of the Ottomans”: Gender, Aesthetics and Agency in Neo-Ottoman Imaginaries – An Introduction

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The chapter offers introductory perspectives on neo-Ottomanism in Turkey as a gendered phenomenon. By shedding light on some cultural and political settings where the concept emerges and diffuses, we aim to analyse the construction of an idealised and desirable past. While engaging in dialogue with the academic literature on the genealogy and contemporary use of the term, attention is drawn to the multitude of approaches to analyse neo-Ottomanism. The chapter argues that under the governance of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) the entanglement of Islamic authoritarianism, uses of history and heritage, and claims of authenticity work to construct a desirable alternative to everyday concerns in contemporary Turkish society. In this imaginary, a glorious narration of Ottoman history not only provides a shelter from social crises and a vision for the future but also a legitimation ground for gender inequalities.
TitelNeo-Ottoman Imaginaries in Contemporary Turkey : Gendered Discourses, Agencies, and Visions
RedaktørerCatharina Raudvere, Petek Onur
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783031080227, 9783031080258
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783031080234
StatusUdgivet - 2022
NavnModernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe
