Camelus knoblochi genome reveals the complex evolutionary history of Old World camels

Junxia Yuan*, Jiaming Hu, Wenhui Liu, Shungang Chen, Fengli Zhang, Siren Wang, Zhen Zhang, Linying Wang, Bo Xiao, Fuqiang Li, Michael Hofreiter, Xulong Lai, Michael V. Westbury, Guilian Sheng

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Extant Old World camels (genus Camelus) contributed to the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and West for thousands of years.1 , 2 Although many remains have been unearthed,3 , 4 , 5 we know neither whether the prevalent hybridization observed between extant Camelus species2 , 6 , 7 also occurred between extinct lineages and the ancestors of extant Camelus species nor why some populations became extinct while others survived. To investigate these questions, we generated paleogenomic and stable isotope data from an extinct two-humped camel species, Camelus knoblochi. We find that in the mitochondrial phylogeny, all C. knoblochi form a paraphyletic group that nests within the diversity of modern, wild two-humped camels (Camelus ferus). In contrast, they are clearly distinguished from both wild and domesticated (Camelus bactrianus) two-humped camels on the nuclear level. Moreover, the divergence pattern of the three camel species approximates a trifurcation, because the most common topology is only slightly more frequent than the two other possible topologies. This mito-nuclear phylogenetic discordance likely arose due to interspecific gene flow between all three species, suggesting that interspecific hybridization is not exclusive to modern camels but a recurrent phenomenon throughout the evolutionary history of the genus Camelus. These results suggest that the genomic complexity of Old World camels’ evolutionary history is underestimated when considering data from only modern species. Finally, we find that C. knoblochi populations began declining prior to the last glacial maximum and, by integrating palaeoecological evidence and stable isotope data, suggest that this was likely due to failure to adapt to a changing environment.

TidsskriftCurrent Biology
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)2502-2508.e5
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 41472014 and 42172027 ). We thank Dr. Xindong Hou (China University of Geosciences) for his help in maintaining the laboratory facilities. We also thank Mr. Yaoqing Peng and Mr. Hailong Ji (paleontological fossil conservation center of Qinggang County) for their help in sample collection.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Inc.
