Images in Social Media: Categorization and Organization of Images and Their Collections

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogpeer review


The lecture focuses on methodologies, organization and communication of various digital image collections utilizing social media. Image is here understood as culturally, conventionally and commercially (stock photos) representations. Throughout the lecture views from experts are offered to provide different interpretations of images and their potential implementations. Linguistic and semiotic methods as well as eye-tracking are employed for image analyses to comprehend how humans reflect on an image and which salient features generally attracts the users’ attention. A literary review reports about areas of image research from the upcoming in 2006 of social media and a citation analysis presents an overview of clusters found in the image research literature. Eye-tracking provides a possibility to reveal the users’ eye movements and a test is examining whether scholarly suggested templates focus on proper facets and if an instructed theme has an impact on the eye movements of the observers. The templates and the tags are matched with the eye movements exposing the elements affecting users’ choice of facets and tags and pointing to renewed requirements for building image search engines.  According to recent prognosis image management requires new algorithms and a quite new understanding which involves text recognition. The computer needs to be trained and for it to learn very large databases are required. Currently computers are not able to decipher what is going on in an image.

UdgivelsesstedUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
ForlagMorgan & Claypool Publishers LLC
Antal sider120
ISBN (Trykt)9781681730790, 9781681732770
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781681730806
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2018
NavnSynthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Images
  • social media
  • image tags
  • academic image domains
  • image facets
  • image indexing
  • image guidelines
  • image retrieval
  • image literature review
  • Grounded Theory
  • eye-tracking
  • salient image features
  • test image templates
  • image citation analysis
  • image management
  • text recognition
  • image literacy
