Indo-European Cosmology and Poetics: Cosmic Merisms in Comparative and Cognitive Perspective

Riccardo Ginevra

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The Norse mythological poem Vǫluspá and the hymn 10.129 of the Rigveda attest cosmogonic narratives which, as has long been noted, have several correspondences, but also undeniable differences: inter alia, the formula [HEAVEN and EARTH and WATER/SEA] for [COSMOS] which occurs in Vǫluspá 3 does not seem to have exact parallels within the Vedic hymn. The article proposes an interpretation of this formula as a merism of structure [A + [B + C]] which reflects the same polar conceptualization of the [COSMOS] that underlies the more frequent merism [HEAVEN and EARTH] (i.e. as an entity composed of two "halves", an upper and a lower one); this analysis finds support in the lexicon and phraseology of several other Indo-European languages ​​(Latin, Greek, Hittite and Armenian, inter alia). From a cognitive perspective, this conceptualization reflects the application of the UP-DOWN spatial scheme to the structure of the cosmos; in light of this, it is possible to identify a further parallel between the cosmogonic poetics of Vǫluspá 3 and that of Rigveda 10.129.
TidsskriftArchivio Glottologico Italiano
Udgave nummer1 (2019)
Sider (fra-til)5-17
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2020
