Infant milk formulae processing: effect of wet-mix total solids and heat treatment temperature on rheological, emulsifying and nutritional properties

Mariana Rodríguez Arzuaga, Kataneh Aalaei, Denise Felix da Silva, Sylvain Barjon, María C. Añón, Analía G. Abraham, Lilia Ahrné

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11 Citationer (Scopus)


This study investigated the effects of total solids (TS) in the wet-mix and pasteurisation temperature on the whey protein (WP) denaturation, rheological behaviour, emulsifying properties and available lysine content of a model infant milk formula (IMF). IMF with 50% or 60% (w/w) TS were produced by wet-mix process and pasteurised at 75 °C or 100 °C for 18 s. Measurements were taken after dispersion, pasteurisation, homogenisation and spray-drying of wet-mix. Pasteurisation at 100 °C caused extensive WP denaturation (above 80%) and increased the viscosity. Available lysine content was 52% higher in powdered IMF obtained from wet-mixes pasteurised at 75 °C compared to 100 °C. A significant reduction in energy consumption could be achieved by producing IMF from 60% TS wet-mixes pasteurised at 75 °C, while obtaining powders with less than 7% WP denaturation, no loss of available lysine during processing and post-reconstitution stability for 2 h.

TidsskriftJournal of Food Engineering
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2021
