Influence of fruit drinks with or without lactobacillus Lp299v on the gastrointestinal uptake of paracetamol in man

Ulrika Akerman, Lars Edvinsson

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

    3 Citationer (Scopus)


    BACKGROUND: Clinical observations have revealed that patients throw up undigested paracetamol tablets several hours following intake of rosehip drink with Lp299v (Proviva). The purpose of this study was to demonstrate if this translates into altered plasma levels of paracetamol in nineteen healthy subjects consuming 200 ml of water, Rose hip drink or Proviva together with 1.5 gram of paracetamol. FINDINGS: The concentration of paracetamol in plasma increased rapidly when the paracetamol-containing tablets were consumed together with water and after 30 minutes a median level of 90 mumol/l was reached (a 95% confidence interval of 57,161). The corresponding 30 minutes values of paracetamol levels in the presence of rosehip with or without Lp299v were 0 mumol/l (95% confidence intervals contain only zero for both rosehip treatments). There were significant differences in AUC, maximal paracetamol concentration and in time to maximal paracetamol concentration. The median maximal paracetamol concentration was 147 mumol/l for water, which is significantly higher than the median for rosehip drink with Lp299v,113.5 mumol/l, and than the median for rosehip-drink without Lp299v, 106.5 mumol/l (p = 0.002, and p = 0.003); there were no significant difference between rosehip drink with or without Lp299v (p > 0.3). CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated an interaction between the uptake of paracetamol and the solvent in rosehip drink/Provia which mainly consists of long chain carbohydrates. This may in the clinic translate to the use of more drug than it is necessary.
    TidsskriftBMC Research Notes
    Sider (fra-til)45
    StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2009
