Integrating molecular photoswitch memory with nanoscale optoelectronics for neuromorphic computing

David Alcer, Nelia Zaiats, Thomas K. Jensen, Abbey M. Philip, Evripidis Gkanias, Nils Ceberg, Abhijit Das, Vidar Flodgren, Stanley Heinze, Magnus T. Borgström, Barbara Webb, Bo W. Laursen, Anders Mikkelsen

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Photonic solutions are potentially highly competitive for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing. However, a combination of specialized nanostructures is needed to implement all neuro-biological functionality. Here, we show that donor-acceptor Stenhouse adduct dyes integrated with III-V semiconductor nano-optoelectronics have combined excellent functionality for bio-inspired neural networks. The dye acts as synaptic weights in the optical interconnects, while the nano-optoelectronics provide neuron reception, interpretation and emission of light signals. These dyes can reversibly switch from absorbing to non-absorbing states, using specific wavelength ranges. Together, they show robust and predictable switching, low energy thermal reset and a memory dynamic range from days to sub-seconds that allows both short- and long-term memory operation at natural timescales. Furthermore, as the dyes do not need electrical connections, on-chip integration is simple. We illustrate the functionality using individual nanowire photodiodes as well as arrays. Based on the experimental performance metrics, our on-chip solution is capable of operating an anatomically validated model of the insect brain navigation complex.
TidsskriftCommunications Materials
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider11
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2025
