Interactive three-dimensional atlas of the mineralized skeleton of the sand tiger shark Carcharias taurus

Emil Alexander Byriel Winkel, Rune Kristiansen, Peter Rask Møller, Henrik Lauridsen*

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Non-invasive computed tomography (CT) of an adult sand tiger shark Carcharias taurus Rafinesque, 1810 is used to provide an interactive three-dimensional 'general' shark (Selachimorpha) anatomy atlas. Given its post-cranial body morphology, the sand tiger shark appeared to be a well-chosen candidate and through comparison of the sand tiger shark with several other representatives of all eight established orders of sharks, we confirm that the relatively large degree of mineralization of the endoskeleton, along with the overall size, makes the sand tiger shark an ideal candidate for skeletal segmentation and construction of a skeletal atlas using conventional CT. This atlas both increases accessibility to the internal morphological features of the sand tiger shark and provides a more generalized overview of the skeletal anatomy of sharks and can aid as a supplement to destructive fresh dissection of specimens in the future and the construction of future skeletal atlases of other less mineralized sharks.

TidsskriftRoyal Society Open Science
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (CF21-0605). Acknowledgements

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors.
