Intergeneric hybridization between species of leymus, psathyrostachys and hordeum (Poaceae, triticeae

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A total of 132 intergeneric crossing attempts (49 combinations) involving species of Leymus Hochst., Psathyrostachys Nevski and Hordeum L. were performed, of which 103 were between Hordeum and Leymus. Embryo rescue was used throughout the experiment. Hybrids between Leymus and Psathyrostachys were difficult to obtain. Hybrid progeny were relatively easily obtained when crossing Hordeum and Leymus. Plants from 20 different combinations were obtained. Nineteen of these have not previously been reported. Meiotic analysis of three hybrid combinations of Hordeum x Leymus is reported. The high frequency of univalents in meiotic interphase (MI) indicates that allosyndetic chromosome pairing did not occur, supporting the assumption that the genomes of Leymus are non-homologous to the H genomes of Hordeum.

TidsskriftAnnals of Botany
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)471-479
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - maj 1994
