ISLANDIA LATINA: An ongoing database project gathering information on Latin authors, texts and manuscripts known and used in medieval Iceland.

Gottskálk Jensson, Astrid Maria Katharina Marner

Publikation: AndetAndet bidragForskning


The aim of ISLANDIA LATINA is to collect the remains of Latin literacy in Iceland, and to organize this information in a single database. We wish to assemble a richly documented list of all Latin authors and works known and used, in one way or another, in Medieval Iceland (and Norway, to a lesser degree), as well as to incorporate all general references to Latin and its uses in the period. Of major importance is the registration of Latin manuscript fragments the provenance of which can be traced to Iceland, together with the source texts of Old Norse-Icelandic translations. The project will hopefully inaugur a new approach to Latin letters in the west Nordic area, by gathering in one place a broad amalgam of new and established identifications of Latin fragments and translated texts, including codicological, bibliographical and prosopographical sources.
Publikationsdatodec. 2014
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2014


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Latinsk palæografi
  • Latinsk middelalderlitteratur
  • Islandsk litteratur
  • islandske håndskrifter
  • kulturhistorie Island
