Maschineller Milchentzug - Einfluss auf Eutergesund heit und Milchqualitat

Hilke Haverkamp*, Volker Kromker

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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For the identification of risk factors for udder health associated with machine milking no specific tools are necessary, but it may help to understand the udder health situation in a dairy herd. For this an observation of the milking process is required. Beside the detection of hygienic weak points during the udder preparation, liner slips and falling clusters should be counted as they are indicators for risk factors directly influencing udder health. For the evaluation of acute and chronic changes in teat condition and the mean strip milk yield in a herd an adequate number of animals has to be examined. The determination of machine-on time per cow, which can be done with a milk meter, if available, completes the monitoring of the milking process. The cow-individual machine-on time is often too long. As a consequence the teat tissue is stressed and acute and chronic changes in teat condition occur. The results of an investigation of the milking process should be documented accurately. They are the base for a goal-oriented troubleshooting and, as a long-term effect, an improvement of udder health.

Bidragets oversatte titelMachine milking - Influences on udder health and milk quality
TidsskriftPraktische Tierarzt
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)804-812
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2011


  • New infection rate
  • Teat condition
  • Vacuum fluctuations
