"Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality summer school" meeting report

Isobel Ronai, Gregor P. Greslehner*, Federico Boem, Judith Carlisle, Adrian Stencel, Javier Suárez, Saliha Bayir, Wiebke Bretting, Joana Formosinho, Anna C. Guerrero, William H. Morgan, Cybèle Prigot-Maurice, Salome Rodeck, Marie Vasse, Jacqueline M. Wallis, Oryan Zacks

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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11 Citationer (Scopus)
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How does microbiota research impact our understanding of biological individuality? We summarize the interdisciplinary summer school on "Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality: conceptual and philosophical issues"(July 2019), which was supported by a European Research Council starting grant project "Immunity, DEvelopment, and the Microbiota"(IDEM). The summer school centered around interdisciplinary group work on four facets of microbiota research: holobionts, individuality, causation, and human health. The conceptual discussion of cutting-edge empirical research provided new insights into microbiota and highlights the value of incorporating into meetings experts from other disciplines, such as philosophy and history of science. [MediaObject not available: see fulltext.]

Udgave nummer1
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2020
