Migranter der blev aktivister: Pro-demokratisk mobilisering blandt russiske migranter i Danmark og Norge

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This article explores how emotions and group solidarity influence collective action. Through case study of Russian migrants’ engagement in pro-democratic transnational activism in Denmark and Norway, this article contributes to our understanding of emotions and their role in mobilising and demobilising collective action. The study is based on ethnographic research material consisting of semi-structured individual interviews with Russian activists in Norway (4) and Denmark (7). The analysis show that the role of emotions is two-fold. On the one hand, mobilising emotions, moral shock, and in-group interactions can increase group solidarities and recurring participation. The findings suggest that participation in transnational activism can be considered a strategy that helps the activists cope with sudden and traumatic political developments in their homeland. Interestingly, the study suggests that even emotions usually considered demobilising, such as fear, have the potential to strengthen group solidarity and thereby act as a mobilising factor. On the other hand, demobilising emotions and threats can weaken in-group dynamics and lead to demobilisation.
Bidragets oversatte titelMigrants turned activists: Pro-democratic mobilisation amongst Russian migrants in Denmark and Norway
TidsskriftNordisk Oestforum
Sider (fra-til)44–59
StatusUdgivet - 2023


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
