Mosaicism in segmental darier disease: an in-depth molecular analysis quantifying proportions of mutated alleles in various tissues

Theresa Larriba Harboe, Patrick Willems, Cathrine Jespersgaard, Marie Louise Mølgaard Poulsen, Flemming Brandt Sørensen, Marie Luise Bisgaard

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16 Citationer (Scopus)


Darier disease is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis caused by germline mutations in the ATP2A2 gene. Clinical expression is variable, including rare segmental phenotypes thought to be caused by postzygotic mosaicism. Genetic counseling of segmental Darier patients is complex, as risk of transmitting a nonsegmental phenotype to offspring is of unknown magnitude. We present the first in-depth molecular analysis of a mosaic patient with segmental disease, quantifying proportions of mutated and normal alleles in various tissues. Pyrosequence analysis of DNA from semen, affected and normal skin, peripheral leukocytes and hair revealed an uneven distribution of the mutated allele, from 14% in semen to 37% in affected skin. We suggest a model for segmental manifestation expression where a threshold number of mutated cells is needed for manifestation development. We further recommend molecular analysis of the ATP2A2 gene in semen of male patients with segmental Darier disease to improve genetic counseling.
TidsskriftSubject Guide to Books in Print
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)292-6
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 1 aug. 2011
